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Contact Info

the mission

Our aim is to improve the quality of life and time available to people.

Our Vision, which guides all our activities and outlines the actions necessary to pursue sustainable growth, places three pillars at the center of economic and social relations:


new ideas

We are a team of consultants and experts in the development of blockchain technology and web-based management platforms.

We are professionals who share the following values ​​every day and in all our activities

  • Leadership, understood as the courage to achieve a better future
  • Integrity, because every member of our team must be authentic
  • Responsibility. We are all convinced that if we want something to happen, it is we who must make it happen


was born in 2019 on the initiative of the three founding members

Federico Mobrici
CEO - Chief Executive Officer

Federico Mobrici

I am a technical office consultant (CTU) in the ``Borsa, Titoli e Società`` at the Civil Court of Rome. For over 20 years I have been a senior consultant and trainer on ``Discipline of the financial markets`` and ``Analysis and evaluation of complex instruments and related operational strategies``

Francesco Colangeli
CTO - Chief Technology Officer

Francesco Colangeli

Developer, consultant, teacher, entrepreneur, I have been in the world of coding for more than twenty years, during which I have experienced the evolution of information technology and the increasingly important role they play in our lives.

Vincenzo Bacchi PIsello
COO - Chief Operating Officer

Vincenzo Bacchi Pisello

founder of since 2005 I deal with web design & development and IT Care favoring the cloud-based and web-based approach for the creation of innovative projects